11th March 2011
Sinalco successful in Egypt On 3rd March 2011, Sina Cola, based in El Mansura, Egypt, formally opened its new filling plant. Many honorary guests from the fields of politics, business and show business came to see the first bottles of Sinalco run through the production lines. The bottles of the cult German soda were quickly passed on to distribution partners, and the number of sales outlets is growing every day. Distribution is being supported by marketing measures that have been finely-tuned to the needs of retailers and caterers. The message is clear: Sinalco is a growth brand. And in the first six months progress has been impressive. Sina Cola, Sinalco’s exclusive partner for Egypt, is building on its momentum. As well as the popular Sinalco Cola, Sinalco Orange and Sinalco Lemon Lime varieties, new flavours are being developed to tempt Egyptian consumers. But success can breed jealousy. Poor-quality fake Sinalco products from “Sinalco Egypt” are starting to appear on the market. They do not taste like genuine Sinalco, are made with inferior ingredients, and are not produced to the exacting hygiene and quality standards that Sinalco insist on. We feel that it is necessary to warn consumers not to drink these products. “Sinalco Egypt” is not a valid brand name and, indeed, is a violation of our copyright. Sinalco International and its Egyptian partner, Sina Cola, have started legal proceedings against these forgers. Only Sina Cola from El Mansura can deliver the true taste of Sinalco in Egypt. Only then can Egyptian consumers be sure that their Sinalco will really taste great.